Although PVC has been in commercial production since 1933, it has a somewhat hazy identity. Many people own or have benefited from PVC-made products. But few consumers know what PVC is and why PVC is different from other plastics.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what PVC is, how it’s made, what it’s used for, and its many benefits. Keep reading to learn more, and to learn how your business can use custom PVC cases for a variety of purposes.
What is PVC?
In 1872, German scientist Eugene Baumann accidentally exposed vinyl chloride gas to solar rays. This action produced a solid white powder labeled polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Fast forward to today, and PVC serves as the third most popular manufactured synthetic plastic. Manufacturers in clothing, construction, electronics, and many other industries use PVC.
Another critical detail about PVC is that it is thermoplastic. This means that when you place this material under heat, you can remodel it by altering its chemical structure, giving it fantastic flexibility. Also, once you transform the heated PVC in the desired form, it will permanently set in that state.
How Do You Make PVC?
Salt and oil are the sources of the raw materials needed to produce PVC. Together, chlorine from salt and ethylene from oil make ethylene dichloride. By subjecting this compound to extreme heat in an oxygen-free environment, ethylene dichloride turns into a vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). Then, polymerization blends VCM molecules to form polyvinyl chloride polymer (PVC).
Manufacturers blend additives for customization, and they often add various materials to PVC to make formulations with a broad range of physical characteristics.
What Are Some Key Characteristics of PVC?
PVC has unique qualities and characteristics that make it applicable for many purposes, including:
Plus, PVC is a very flexible material with widespread use potential. For example, PVC has several degrees of hardness ranging from ultra stiffness to completely malleable. Malleable PVC can withstand being hammered and permanently bent out of shape without cracking or breaking. You can also add various additives to malleable PVC to protect from harsh chemicals, UV rays, and fire.
What Are the Uses for PVC
Besides cases, PVC’s versatility makes it suitable for many applications. Let’s look at three industries where PVC applications are widespread.
Medical and Healthcare
For about a half-century, PVC has been a prominent material source for numerous healthcare products used in drug delivery, surgery, pharmaceuticals, and medical packaging. Some typical medicare and PVC healthcare products are:
You would need an entire catalog to list all the construction products made of PVC. However, its lightweight, strong, and multi-polymer capabilities make it perfect for window profiles, pipes, pipe fittings, floorings, and wall coverings. In addition, since PVC is a fire retardant, it is popular in electrical insulation and cabling.
When a construction product has to be long-lasting, unplasticized PVC is ideal because it is one of the stiffest polymers at average temperatures. As a result, it will last an incredibly long time. This makes it a favorite material for making rainwater, soil, and waste systems. For the same reason, it’s excellent for roofing and ceiling systems.
PVC is a high-performance, anti-corrosive, and cost-effective material for manufacturing automotive parts and accessories. Some of the most common automotive industry uses are:
What Are the Benefits of Using PVC for Building Cases?
Using PVC over other materials for creating rugged and reliable cases has many practical advantages and benefits. This versatile material is one of the most widely used plastics because PVC products are tough, light, safe, and less expensive to make. In addition, it lends itself to customization by its ability to be cut, woven, laminated, embossed, or heated sealed.
PVC is an excellent alternative to leather because it is nonabsorbent, non-toxic, light, durable, and non-odorous. These attributes make PVC cases more adaptable and storable than leather cases. In addition, the limitless design options should suit your company’s needs for various case designs and purposes. Because molded PVC cases hold their shape, you can count on uniform and consistent orders. Also, your company will get a cost-performance benefit from PVC cases being low maintenance and having a long lifespan.
Evaluating PVC
It is amazing to think that a material invented without the benefit of today’s technology could be so advanced in its capabilities and uses. However, PVC has proven that it performs each function exceptionally well and for less money than other materials with its many applications. Now that you’ve learned about the material that goes into PVC cases, you should better understand why these cases are exceptional. Take a look at our custom PVC cases today to learn more about creating your own versatile, durable solutions for your business.